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How to Change Colors in Photoshop

Photoshop has a number of effective ways of changing the hue of an image, the two easiest of which are using the Eyedropper tool and the Replace Color menu item. However, both have disadvantages, including changing other colors in your image. With this method, however, you can avoid this by adding a mask to each…

How to Use the Gradient Tool in Photoshop

Gradients in Photoshop: A to Z Gradients are one of the most powerful and versatile tools in Adobe Photoshop. Whichever way you design web elements, enhance photographs, or do some creative effects, gradients create depth and dimension in what you’re doing. All things related to using gradients within Photoshop, from basic to advanced techniques, will…

Unlocking the Potential of Photoshop Filters

Pixelate an image using custom cell sizes to simulate the look of old video games or digital art. This filter may also be used to obscure elements in photos.   Applying Filters Filters are essential tools when it comes to improving images for professional purposes. Used by photo editors, graphic designers and photographers to create…